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I am so happy to be one of your Orientation Ambassadors this summer, and I look forward to meeting each of you!  Every student at Clemson University is special and capable of doing amazing things.  So, before you come to Clemson for Orientation, there are a few things you can do in order to be preapred:



Major Stuff

One major thing- read about your major!  What courses will you need to take at Clemson University?  Do they sound interesting to you?  Also, make a list of any dual enrollment, AP, or IB courses you have taken prior to high school graduation.  This will be helpful when you register for classes at Orientation. 

Mindset is Everything

Orientation is an amazing time to explore Clemson for the first time as a student.  You will get to meet so many interesting people who will be your friends and classmates.  Come with an open mind to Orientation, and enjoy the experience!

One More Thing, Y'all!

To Do List

There are a few things you need to do before you offically become a Clemson student.  Signing up for housing, paying your tuition deposit, purchasing books, and reading the new student literature are all part of your preparation for college. 

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